Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goodbye to Summer 2010

Rarely do I like to procrastinate, so, actually I waived goodbye to summer one day early. This was for the practical reason that we needed to be in Portland today, wash our clothes, and repack our bags for the next trip beginning tomorrow, the first of the fall season. Also, I can justify cutting off a day of summer because my first post for 2010 was the day before summer started.

This summer will go down in my history as the summer of visitors. Last summer I travelled to Minneapolis, Chicago, and Southern California to visit people dear to me. This summer, loved ones came this way.

My leisure and nonwork goals have been interrupted, increasingly, by the demands of a law practice that is growing, almost against my will. I am facing a slew of fights beginning next week. As a hired gun, that's what I do. I will put my free-lance sheriff hat on when we return from the wedding Sunday.

On that last morning in Oxford, Maryland, the innkeeper left a basket of breakfast food and coffee at our door, which led to a totally relaxing morning on the balcony overlooking the gracious, tree-shaded lawn out to the water. Weather remained perfect. So, with the traditional Nixonian waive, we concluded Summer 2010, and is officially on hiatus.

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